EREC-P: +977-21- 436362  |  SCEH: +977-33- 560080  |  BEH: +977-21- 436360
41 years of excellence in eye care
13,793,792 Outpatients; 2,227,448 surgeries

Training provided at SCEH, Lahan

1. Training Traditional Healers

Some traditional medicines and / or treatment used by Traditional Healers can harm eyes of patients.

Therefore it is important to provide Primary Eye Health training to Traditional Healers and to encourage them to co-operate with eye care centres.

In order to prepare them to indentify and refer operable cataract and to recognize ocular emergency, initiate treatment and refer patients to the nearest eye care centre without delay SCEH, Lahan provided a two-day Primary Eye Health education to 13 Traditional Healers of Udayapur district.

2.Training Health Posts In-charge

Early detection of eye diseases at community level is vital to prevent people from becoming blind.

In order to strengthen the knowledge and skill of health post personnel and to enable them to provide basic diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases SCEH conducted a three-day Primary Eye Health training to 13 Health Posts In-charge of Saptari district.

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