EREC-P: +977-21- 436362  |  SCEH: +977-33- 560080  |  BEH: +977-21- 436360
41 years of excellence in eye care
13,793,792 Outpatients; 2,227,448 surgeries

Reducing blindness in rural areas

One of the greatest impediments to reducing blindness in rural areas is the problem of access to services. Even when services are readily available many patients do not use them. Healers can be a bridge between the community and eye care providers. We recognize that some healer eye care practices are damaging; Collaboration could be a route to induce change. Some traditional healer practices could be beneficial (e.g. face washing) and should be encouraged. Therefore SCEH provided one-day Primary Eye Health Training to 15 Traditional Healers, 22 Female Community Health Volunteers and 24 Drug Retailers in 2010 to involve them in Primary Eye Care activities.

Our Partners/Supporters

CBM EC SiB orbis SC